One of the challenges of creating custom curtains and draperies is calculating the pleats and spaces to fit the hardware used at the window. It isn't my favorite part of the job - but over the years it has become easier to understand, and I have more confidence in the process. If you are new to sewing window treatments and would like to learn pleating, or are curious to see how I approach pleating, check out the live hangout-on-air, 1-hour presentation from Tuesday, July 22, 2014, where I shared a few of my favorite tips and go-to techniques for pleating custom draperies including; how to figure pleats and spaces, hand and machine stitching and pleat styles.

This free, online class is a starting point, to help you understand how pleating and fullness combine together. I had a great time presenting this class, and hope you pick up a few good tips. There is so much more to learn; pleating to pattern, working with railroaded fabric, different types of hardware and many more pleat styles. I plan to share more drapery making tips in future hangouts and webinars. If there is something you would like to learn, please let me know!
Best Wishes,
Susan AKA Home Dec Gal